DigiKart - Multi-Vendor Marketplace

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DigiKart lets you create a digital product marketplace in which any author can publish their product to sale and on behalf of sales, you get a commission. Also, it supports PayPal and Stripe payment gateway.

The digital marketplace is trending very

much nowadays and it is a very popular

business to earning a noticeable amount

of money. So, with the help of this DigitKart multivendor

marketplace PHP script, you can also build

a responsive and user-friendly website of

selling and referring digital products online.

 Powerful Backend To Manage Marketplace

DigitKart multi-vendor marketplace PHP

script comes with powerful and easy

to use admin panel. So, you can easily

manage your complete marketplace

website with ease. Also, the admin

can track the full details of their website like:

Can track the number of registered users

Total product listing

Recently posted blogs

Total newsletter

Payment Gateway Integrated:

For collecting sales referring payment

you can give multiple options to your

users or the vendors. As it comes with

all popular payment gateways like







Inbuild DigitKart Wallet

The multi-vendor marketplace PHP script

inbuild with the DigitKart wallet. So, the

user can use this option to repay the

sales amount and other expense.

Social Log In Integrated:

-Multivendor marketplace PHP script comes

with social logins features. With this,

any user can simply log in with

Facebook and Google+.

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