DigiSell - Single Vendor Digital Marketplace

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Admin Features

  • Dashboard


    • Top 5 Selling Item Graph
    • Top 5 User by Purchase Graph
    • Today Analysis (Sale, Earning & Top Item)
    • Total Analysis (Total Sale, Total Earning & Top Item)
    • Item Analysis (Total Items, Active Items & Deactive Items)
    • User Analysis (Total Users, Active Users & Blocked Users)
  • Settings
    • Admin Email (Where Admin Receives Every Email)
    • Yes / No Option (Send Email to User whenever Admin Reply on their Comment)
    • Yes / No Option (Receive Email to Admin whenever New Comment on Any Item)
    • Yes / No Option (Receive Email to Admin whenever New Sale)
    • Yes / No Option (Send Email to Purchased Item by User whenever Admin Update Main File)
    • Yes / No Option (Receive Email to Admin whenever New Rating by User)
    • No. of Chances (How many Chance Admin give to User to Verify their Email)
    • Unblock Message (Means When Admin Unblock any User then This is the Email Body)
  • Payments History
    • Payment History like Date, User ID, Email, Name, Item Name, Item License, Amount, Transaction ID & Search.
  • Users
    • Search User
    • View User
    • Block User
    • View Total Purchase of Every User
  • Blocked Users
    • Search
    • View
    • UnBlock User & Send Automatically Email
  • Category (Like Parent)
    • Add
    • Edit
    • View
    • Search
    • Activate
    • Deactivate (Note : If Category Deactivated then All the Items, Subcategory & Child Category belongs to this Category will also be Deactivated & Hide from Users. )
  • Sub Category (Like Child)
    • Add
    • Edit
    • View
    • Search
    • Activate
    • Deactivate (Note : If Sub Category Deactivated then All the Items & Child Category belongs to this Sub Category will also be Deactivated & Hide from Users. )
  • Child Category (Like Grand Child)
    • Add
    • Edit
    • View
    • Search
    • Activate
    • Deactivate (Note : If Child Category Deactivated then All the Items to this Child Category will also be Deactivated & Hide from Users. )
  • Upload Item
    • Mandatory Fields Step - 1 (Item Name, Regular & Extended License Price, Main Category, Sub Category, Item Description & Item Tags )
    • Optional Fields Step - 1 (Child Category, Item Demo Link & Youtube Video Demo Link)
    • Mandatory Fields Step - 2 (Thumbnail Image, Preview Image & Main ZIP File)
    • Optional Fields Step - 2 (Screenshot ZIP File)
    • Bonus : You can save Your Item also in Draft
  • Edit Item
    • Mandatory Fields Step - 1 (Item Name, Regular & Extended License Price, Main Category, Sub Category, Item Description & Item Tags )
    • Optional Fields Step - 1 (Child Category, Item Demo Link & Youtube Video Demo Link)
    • Mandatory Fields Step - 2 (Nothing)
    • Optional Fields Step - 2 (Thumbnail Image, Preview Image, Main ZIP File & Screenshot ZIP File)
    • Bonus : You can save Your Item also in Draft
  • Items
    • Add Item
    • Search Item
    • View Item Category, Sub Category & Child Category Name
    • View Item Name, Tags, Sales, Rating, Rated By, Created & Updated Date & Status
    • Make Featured / Unfeatured Item
    • Was Featured (Means Once Item is Featured in Lifetime A Star Button added for always along with Buy Item Button i.e. This Item was Featured )
    • Deactivate Item (Item was saved into Draft & Hide from Users)
    • Edit Item
    • Download (Thumbnail & Preview Image, Main File & Screenshot File)
  • Draft Items
    • It will show Only Deactivated Items
    • Add Item
    • Search Draft Item
    • View Item Category, Sub Category & Child Category Name
    • View Item Name, Tags, Sales, Rating, Rated By, Created & Updated Date & Status
    • Edit Item
    • Download (Thumbnail & Preview Image, Main File & Screenshot File)
  • Top Selling Items
    • It will show Only Items which have at least 1 Sale
    • Add Item
    • Search Item
    • View Item Category, Sub Category & Child Category Name
    • View Item Name, Tags, Sales, Rating, Rated By, Created & Updated Date & Status
    • Edit Item
  • Featured Items
    • It will show Only Featured Items.
    • Add Item
    • Search Item
    • View Item Category, Sub Category & Child Category Name
    • View Item Name, Tags, Sales, Rating, Rated By, Created & Updated Date & Status
    • Make Unfeatured Item
    • Was Featured (Means Once Item is Featured in Lifetime A Star Button added for always along with Buy Item Button i.e. This Item was Featured )
    • Deactivate Item (Item was saved into Draft & Hide from Users)
    • Edit Item
    • Download (Thumbnail & Preview Image, Main File & Screenshot File)
  • Comments
    • View User Id, Name & Comment
    • View Item Name & Item
    • Search
    • Unapprove Comment (Means Comment will hide from Item)
    • Edit Comment
    • Add Admin Reply on the Comment (Email will automatically send to User if Send Email function Enabled in settings.)
    • Note : If Admin replied then Comment will auto approve
  • Ratings
    • View User Id, Name, User Rating & Rating Comment
    • View Item Thumbnail, Name, Item, Total Rating & Total Rated By
    • Search
    • Edit Rating & Rating Comment
    • Revoke Right
    • Revoke Right means User cannot Edit Rating on Particular Item which They gave Rating Earlier.(They can only give Rating on any Other Purchased Item)
    • DeRevoke Right (Means User can Edit Rating of Particular Purchase Item)
    • Note : You can change anytime Revoke / DeRevoke Right of User on Particular Item
  • Pages
    • Create Unlimited Pages with Lots of Styles (Like Privacy Policy, About Us, etc.)
    • Mandatory Fields(Page Name, Page Slug & Page Content)
    • Page Slug : It must be Unique & Small Letters with no special Characters
  • Manage Pages
    • Search
    • Edit Page
    • View Page
    • Activate / Deactivate Page anytime.
    • Deactivated Page will automatically hide from Users.
    • If All Page was deactivated then Pages Option will automatically Hide from User Panel.
  • Others
    • Change Email
    • Change Password
    • Forgot Password (Recover via OTP)
    • Login
    • Logout

User Features

  • Home Page
    • User Friendly URL
    • New Items (4 Latest Active Items will show)
    • Browse All New Item Link
    • Featured Items (4 Active Featured Items will show)
    • Browse All Featured Item Link
    • Top Selling Items (4 Items will show which have atleast 1 Sale)
    • Note: If you have No Sale of any Item then Top Selling Items automatically hide from Users Homepage
  • New Items
    • User Friendly URL
    • 8 Latest Active Items will show
    • Load More Button if you have more than 8 Items
    • Pressing Load More Button will show again 8 Items and Load More Button automatically Hide if Item ends.
    • Filter By Category on Top Right Corner (No Page Reload, Ajax Loading with awesome Loader)
  • Featured Items
    • User Friendly URL
    • 8 Featured Items will show
    • Load More Button if you have more than 8 Items
    • Pressing Load More Button will show again 8 Items and Load More Button automatically Hide if Item ends.
    • Filter By Category on Top Right Corner (No Page Reload, Ajax Loading with awesome Loader)
  • Category
    • User Friendly URL
    • 8 Category Items will show
    • Load More Button if you have more than 8 Items
    • Pressing Load More Button will show again 8 Items and Load More Button automatically Hide if Item ends.
    • Filter By Sub Category on Top Right Corner (No Page Reload, Ajax Loading with awesome Loader)
  • Sub Category
    • User Friendly URL
    • 8 Sub Category Items will show
    • Load More Button if you have more than 8 Items
    • Pressing Load More Button will show again 8 Items and Load More Button automatically Hide if Item ends.
    • Filter By Child Category on Top Right Corner (No Page Reload, Ajax Loading with awesome Loader)
  • Item Page
    • User Friendly URL
    • Complete SEO of an Item
    • Item Name with Preview Image will show.
    • 3 Tabs will show(Ajax Tabs , No Page Reload i.e. Description, Comments & Review)
    • Description (Means Item Description like Overview, Demo Admin Link, How to use Items, etc. which is filled by Admin in Admin Panel.)
    • Comments (Comment of Users and Reply of Admin, Note : If User Logged in then Submit Comment Form will also show)
    • Review (Ratings & Rating Comment of Users.)
    • View Screenshot with awesome jQuery Plugin
    • Live Preview of Item inside in IFrame
    • View Youtube Video if Available (No Page Reload)
    • Change Amount by Selecting Regular License & Extended License
    • Item was Featured Tag with Buy Now Button (If Item is/was featured in lifetime)
    • Buy Now Button (Note : Non Logged in User will redirect to Login Page)
    • Awesome Social Share Button for Item (i.e. Whatsapp, Facebook & Twitter Share)
    • Facebook & Twitter share automatically Fetch Item Preview Image
    • Buy Now for Logged in User Redirect to checkout Page
    • Successfull Transaction Message will show after Purchase
    • After Purchase Item Main File will be available in Downloads for User
    • Automatically Send Email to Admin whenever New Sale if Admin enable Send Email Setting in Admin Panel
  • Pages
    • User Friendly URL
    • Show only Active Pages
    • Awesome Page view with Link Support & Line Colors which is saved by Admin.
    • Cannot view Page if Page was deactivated.
  • Item Search
    • User Friendly URL
    • Show only Active Item in Search with Load More Button
    • Item will show via Title and Item Tags matching.
  • Downloads
    • User Friendly URL
    • Search Purchased Items
    • Show only Purchased Items
    • If Item is Active Download File will be available.
    • Show Item Thumbnail, Item Name, Item Total Rating, User Rating, User Rating Comment
    • Give Rating
    • Edit Rating (If Admin don't Revoke Right, If Admin Revoke their Right then User cannot Edit Rating of This Item, They can only Edit Rating of Other Purchased Item )
  • Purchases
    • User Friendly URL
    • Search Purchased Items
    • Show only Purchased Items
    • View Item Thumbnail, Item Name, Transaction Id, Date & Amount of Purchased Items
  • Login
    • Ajax Login
    • Forgot Password(Recover via OTP with jQuery & Ajax, No Page Reload)
    • Ajax Change Email after Login
    • Ajax Change Password after Login
  • SignUp
    • Ajax SignUp
    • OTP Verification
    • No. of Chances to verify OTP which Set via Admin in Admin Panel.
    • Resend OTP
    • Cannot Do Anything Until User Verify OTP



Before starting to install, make sure you fulfill the following requirements:
  • For Local Server installation, you need to have XAMPP, WAMP or any apache server with PHP and MySQL (Sending Email will not work on Localhost)
  • You can use this script on any live LINUX server.
  • Required PHP version in server >= 5.4.
  • Required PHP Mail Function enabled in server.
  • Stripe Merchant Account


Demo Links

OTP : 1234 (Everywhere in Demo Mode)

Admin Credentials

Admin Link : Admin Link

Admin Email : admin@admin.com

Admin Password : 123456

User Credentials

User Email : Your Email Address or Any Demo Email Address

User Password : According to Validation Rule (Example : Test1234)

OTP : 1234 (It will delivered also on your Email)

User Link : User Link

Test Card Details

To test the Stripe Payment, use the following test card numbers, a valid future expiration date, and any random CVC number.

  • 4242424242424242 – Visa
  • 4000056655665556 – Visa (debit)
  • 5555555555554444 – Mastercard
  • 5200828282828210 – Mastercard (debit)
  • 378282246310005 – American Express
  • 6011111111111117 – Discover

Documentation Link : Documentation Link

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