Infinite - Blog & Magazine Script

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Add, Delete, Update Unlimited Categories

Add, Delete, Update Unlimited Posts

Video Post Option

Gif Support

Emoji Reactions

Save as Draft Option for Posts

Reading List Page (Add & Remove from List)

Lazy Image Loading

Advanced Post Options

Downloadable Files for Posts

Dynamic Tag System

Ajax Comment System

Manage Comments

Comment Approval System

Pageview Counts (Enable & Disable Option)

Rich Text Editor (Image and Video Can Be Added)

Voting Poll (Add, Delete Unlimited Poll)

Gallery Page (Enable & Disable Option)

Gallery Albums

Gallery Categories

Add, Delete Unlimited Photos


Different Email Libraries (Swift Mailer and PHP Mailer)

Social Login (Facebook & Google)

Social Sharing

Widgets (Popular Posts, Our Picks, Categories, Random Posts Slider, Tags)

Sitemap.xml Generator

RSS Aggregator System (Auto Update with Cron Job) (Doesn’t support full-text RSS)

RSS (With different channels)

Maintenance Mode

Font Settings (New Google Fonts Can be Added Easily)

Membership System with 3 Roles (Admin, Author, User)

Enable & Disable Membership System

Manage Registered Users

User Profile Page

Secure Authentication

Follow & Unfollow Users

Google Analytics

Cookie Notice for GDPR

Password Reset

Advanced Settings Options

Change Logo, Favicon, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel

Easy Installation Using Installation Wizard

Detailed Documentation

Runs on PHP 7.3 and Higher Versions


Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention

Password Hashing

Avoiding SQL Injection


PHP 7.3 and Higher Versions

cURL PHP Extension

Fileinfo PHP Extension

Exif PHP Extension

Mbstring PHP Extension


Demo Link : Demo

Admin Demo Link: Demo


Username: admin

Password: 1234


Username: author

Password: 1234


Username: user

Password: 1234


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