Remito - Online Money Transfer Solution

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Pros of using Remito:

Easy to use with user-friendly online applications.

No need to visit agent

Those who receive money can collect their money at any bank

Multiple payout options, including bank transfer, mobile wallet and cash pickup

Email, sms & instant notification alerts for user and sender can track when money has been sent and received.

Its website is secure, meaning you can be confident you’re transferring money securely


Item Features:

25+ Automatic Payment gateways.

All Dynamic Contents.

Responsive Design for All Devices.

Modern browser support.

Cross-browser compatibility.

Most Powerful Admin & User interface.

Clean & Easy Code Structure

24X7 Support

Easy Documentation

Realtime Notification for admin and users

TOS & Privacy Policy

FAQ Management


User Features:

User Notification System.

25+ Automated Payment for transfer payment

Manual/ Bank Payment for transfer payment

Transfer History

Transfer Invoice

Payment History

2FA Security

Support Ticket

Profile & Password Update


Admin Features:

Most Informative Admin Dashboard.

Realtime Notification For Admin.

Admin can add, update Service

Country Management and assignable service

Service Provider Add or Update in Country Service

Admin Can Define Service Charge For Every Country Service

Transfer log & Informative Transfer Details

Coupon Code Service For Discount

Manage Sending Purpose

Manage Source Of Fund

25+ Automated Payment Gateway

Manual / Local Bank Payment System

Payment History

All Transactions Record

User Management

All User/ Single User Email Notification

Support Ticket

Website Basic Controls

Website Color Management

Email Configuration

Email Template Management

SMS Configuration

SMS Template Management

Logo & SEO Management

All Content Management

Profile & Password Update

Demo :

Frontend Link: Click Here

User Login: Click Here

Username: demouser

Password: demouser

Admin Panel : Click Here

Username: admin

Password: admin

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