ROI Binary MLM Crypto Based Deposit And INR Based Withdraw (AS)

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Member Panel:

1. Dashboard of binary software

       a) Dashboard - Dashboard contains list

of boxes that can show member user id,

sponsor id, placement id, total income,

no of direct members, total active epin,


available epin, no of used epin, current


balance, pin wallet balance, level income,

matching income, left sales, right sales,

total left member, total right member etc.


        b) Profile - Member details will show

here like name, email, dob, phone, address,

bank details.


        c) Change password - member can

change the password from here.


        d) Kyc - member can fill up the know

your customer form with pan card,

aadhar card, photo.


        e) Nominee - member can fill up the

nominee details form who will be his/her



2. Member Statement:

        a) Member Joining- New member

registration form will be there. Member

can join new member under his downline.


        b) Member Statement - List of


member will be show here.


3.Commission Statement:

        a) Level Income - Member can see all

direct level or sponsor income. Based on

sponsor id direct level income will be



        b) Matching Income - Member can see all

matching income statement or pairing income


Pairing or matching can be generated based

on left and right sales or based on left member

or right member

or based on left PV and right PV or left BV

and right BV.


        c) Matrix Income - Member can see

matrix income statement like 3X3 matrix or

4X4 matrix. Matrix income statement will

show based on level wise like Level 1,

Level 2, Level 3... continue.


        d) Daily Bonus Income - Daily return of

invesment or ROI commission will show here.

Based on administrator


4. ROI Achievement:

        a) View Achivement - Member can see

ROI achivement recods details with date,

amount and activation status.


5. Account upgrade statement:

        a) New Upgrade - Member can upgrade

his/her account to higher package using Epin

Code or Wallet Balance.


        b) View Statement - all upgrade package

statement will show here including date, time.


6. Current wallet to epin wallet:

        a) New Transfer - Members can transfer

current wallet balance to epin wallet balance.

Transfer charge will be applicable and transfer

charge statement will be shown into the

administrator panel. Members can see

all transfer statements. Once transfer balance

will be deducted from current wallet and will be

added on epin wallet.


7. Epin wallet to others user:

        a) New Transfer - one member can

transfer his/her epin wallet balance to

another user. Transfer amount will be

deducted from sender user and will be

credited to receiver user. all process will

be instantly like fund transfer.


8. Epin Generate:

        a) Epin Generate - a member can

generate new joining epin from his/her 

member panel using current

wallet balance. Epin cost will be deducted 

from wallet balance.

        b) Epin Statement - all generated

epin will be show here and can see

who used that epin .


9. Top Up Statement:

        a) New Top Up -a user can active

their downline accounts from his panel

using valid epin code. Once

active any user accounts then the

user will receive SMS notification and

the admin also sees the statement

at the administrator panel.


10. Reward Achievement:

        a) View Statement- the user can

see a list of reward or achievement



11. Genealogy:

        a) Grid View - user can see their

downline member list in level wise

based on sponsor id.


        b) Tree View - user can see tree

view structure here.


12. Withdrawal Statement:

        a) New Withdrawal - the user can

put a withdrawal request here. Once

sent a withdrawal request TDS, Service

Charge will be deducted and the

request will be sent to the administrator

panel. Members will be notified that

amount will be transferred within

24 to 48 hrs.


        b) View Statement - user can all

previous withdrawal request statement

with date.


Demo :

Admin : Click Here

User Id : admin

Pass : admin

User : Click Here

User ID: FT4852159

Password: member

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