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SDS is a PHP / MySQL system based on Laravel Framework, one of the most popular on the market, designed for the creation of short-term investment sites. Like affiliate sites, with SDS users we have the option to make investments with minimum values ​​and a profit percentage, set by the site administrator, to publish a period of time.

SDS is ideal for people who have a good knowledge of online investments and need a system where others can help by providing more capital that can be invested by the administrator and consequently turning that investment into a profit that will be distributed among all investors (administrator and users), making everyone have a good return on investment.

As an SDS administrator, you can set the following rules:

Minimum and maximum value for deposits
Percentage of profit at the end of the investment
Period of time that the investor (user) must wait to obtain the ROI
Percentage of profit on user deposit indicating (Affiliate Program)
Set the currency that will be used for deposits and payments according to the payment method used by the site (Crypto Currencies)

Site Features

  • Multi theme
  • User registration with data validation
  • Password recovery page
  • Login page using wallet and password
  • FAQ page
  • About the page
  • Contact page
  • Account page
  • Active Deposits
  • User Wallet
  • User E-mail
  • Reference Counter
  • Total reference fees
  • List of deposits with date, amount and profit
  • Affiliates Page
  • Affiliate Link
  • List of references
  • Account configurations
  • Email address
  • Change Password

Administration Features

  • Homepage with important information blocks
  • Users => List, Delete, Edit
  • Admins => List, Edit, Delete
  • Messages => List, edit, reply, delete
  • Transactions => List, display, delete
  • Deposits => List, see details
  • Withdraws => List, view details
  • Withdraw Requests => List, delete, pay
  • Pages => List, edit, delete, add
  • Faqs => List, edit, delete, add
  • Settings => Edit site settings
  • IPN Logs => List, view details, delete

Other Features

  • Payment method built-in: Coinpayments and with automatic deposits (IPN) and manual payments through admin
  • 100% open source
  • You do not have a license system, you can use it on as many sites as you want


  • Server Type: Linux
  • PHP version: 7.1.3 or higher
  • MySQL version: 5.7.14 or higher
  • PHP Extensions: PHP OpenSSL, PDO, Mbstring, Tokenizer, XML, CURL, Ctype, JSON
  • Apache Extensions: Mod-Rewrite
  • Other requirements: CronJobs


Site Demo:
Admin Demo:

Admin User: admin
Admin Pass: 123456

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