WalletPRO - Dynamic Payment Gateway

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System Features:

Easy Installation.

Dashboard statistics.

User Registration System.

Payment Deposit System.

Payment Withdraw System.

Payment Send System.

Payment Request System.

Payment Reject/Receive Option.

Account Details Update Option.

Password Change System.

Password Recovery System.

Form Validation.

Transaction Details Check.

Customer Details Check.

Customer Ban or Remove System.

Withdraw Request Detail Check.

Withdraw Request Accept or Reject Option.

Slider Setting Option.

Slider Content Position Setting.

Service Adding System.

Portfolio Adding System.

Counter Adding System.

Testimonial Adding System.

Page Setting Option with Enable and Desable Feature

Social Media Setting.

Google Analytics Script Setting.

Website Meta Keyword Setting.

Logo Setting.

Favicon Setting.

Background Image Setting.

Website Title Setting.

Payment Information Setting.

Transaction, withdraw and Extra Charges Setting.

Footer Area Content Settings.

Subscribers Emails Export System.

Built in About Us, FAQ and Contact Us page.

and much more…

User Features:

Dashboard statistics.

User Registration System.

Payment Deposit System.

Payment Withdraw System.

Payment Send System.

Payment Request System.

Transaction Details Check Option.

Payment Reject/Receive Option.

Account Details Update Option.

Password Change System.

Password Recovery System.

Form Validation.

and much more…

Deposit Options:


Credit Card.

Bank (Coming soon).

Withdraw Options:





Admin Features:

Dashboard statistics.

Transaction Details Check.

Customer Details Check.

Customer Ban or Remove System.

Withdraw Request Detail Check.

Withdraw Request Accept or Reject Option.

Slider Setting Option.

Slider Content Position Setting.

Service Adding System.

Portfolio Adding System.

Counter Adding System.

Testimonial Adding System.

Page Setting Option with Enable and Desable Feature

Social Media Setting.

Google Analytics Script Setting.

Website Meta Keyword Setting.

Logo Setting.

Favicon Setting.

Background Image Setting.

Website Title Setting.

Payment Information Setting.

Transaction, withdraw and Extra Charges Setting.

Footer Area Content Settings.

Subscribers Emails Export System.

and much more…

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